Like a river steering a new course
I want to flow to the essence
of my life force
and find my way home
poetry in motion.
I want to kiss away
the lines around
your eyes
but first
I want to read them
and remember
each of their
beneath the night, lies the day.
Grinda skärgård, yesterday. Pics by me.
I ain't too proud to beg 'cause I don't want respect I'd much rather have fun
It doesn't matter where you are If you are a superstar
No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end.
(Pics edited by me)
easy as a kiss we'll find an answer.
"Take another walk out of your fake world
you'll see that you can breath without not back up
so much you got to understand
for every step in any walk
any town of any thought
i'll be your guide
for every street of any scene
any place you've never been
i'll be your guide
you know there's still a place for people like us
the same blood runs in every hand
you see its not the wings that makes the angel
just have to move the bats out of your head
for every street of any scene
any place you've never been
i'll be your guide
easy as a kiss we'll find an answer..."
the truth will come out.
"The truth is out. Sometimes the truth I can't say seeps out through my finger tips and onto the keyboard. Then the small black letters sit there, staring at me, and Im just waiting to see what comes next..."
midsummer twothousand and ten.
a feeli'n.
- Well, you see, you bring the good out of me - put it
in front of my eyes so I can see it - and I like what
I see - ehm, thank you for that...
every situation is an opportunity to grow.
"Every situation is an opportunity to grow; everything that happens is giving you the opportunity to become stronger, wiser, and more loving. Everything that happens to you is for your higher good. Allowing your higher good means knowing deep inside that you are safe and loved and that your Higher Self is always working for you."
— Orin
yesterday’s just a memory and tomorrow is never what it’s supposed to be
Title qoute: Bob Dylan
I just love when a door opens,
and you can pass through with an open mind.
within those walls we'll give birth to ourselves.
to steal the wind's whispers
I wish we could open our eyes,
to see in all directions
at the same time...
on a train watching these skies, that's where the plane took us high
"I'm saying;
Be a man take a stand show me what you got in your hand. If you wanna be the one, show that girl what you're made of - take it from the start til end, but you just don't know where to stand - if you want to come aboard"
do you know where I'm going?
"I learned something that day. I learned that if I give myself
permission to drop into my own heart and speak from there, I can
save a lot of time,and energy."
Photos by me
I remembered how much I ache to write.
"And then I remembered why I have read and written all of my life. I remembered how much I ache to write. “We write to retrieve what is lost,”. When we write or paint we retrieve parts of ourselves we did not even know were lost. Receiving others creative expressions, open ourselves to a deeper wisdom.
Life is too short to always be working, even if your work is enjoyable. If you turn everything you enjoy into work you can become good at, offer to the world and maybe even get paid for, you can end up always working. So, while lots of folks have to ask themselves what they would love to do if they could get paid for what they love to do.
Because the human mind, heart, body and spirit needs fun, needs some silly time. Silliness heals. Play protects us from taking ourselves too seriously. I notice the children running in the playground, the tree by my window in bloom. I am surprised how life works within me, on me, without my conscious agreement. We have a choice. We can shrink in the face of wounding - or we can inhale deeply, link arms with each other and enlarge our capacity to meet it all - the joy and the sorrow. We are life, choosing life. That is how we are made.
But inner ease is not: not wanting to be anywhere else; not making lists; not worrying about what comes next or happened yesterday. So I'm breathing into my heart, crying when I need to, talking to friends when I need and reminding myself to be kind - to myself and to others."
(extracts from Oriah Mountain Dreamer)
i like it.
Shaney Hall
det blir verkligare då det uttalas.
Två vakna grannar
med panoramafönster
spanande under nattens klara timmar
Kanske tänder du
när jag inte tittar
kanske släcker jag
när du försöker se
Just nu
kan ingen av oss se igenom
sin egen
shoes baby shoes
Som en dröm - i skoform. I'm in loooove.
it's all so blurred. unfocused. out of line - BUT I LIKE IT
Always buying more time - I am in no hurry to forget.
Men en inre förändring,
den sker först när det gör för ont att låta bli...
Sedan kom du - tankelugnet. Att barfota smyga över det som vill upplevas på nytt. Varsamma smekningar, som inte räds av tanken. Det är sådana som du, som visar alla vackra sidor - släcker den törst som länge varit där, och en vinter som slutat pulsera. Jag kan inte låta bli att undra, vad livet har skapat inom dig. Kärlek från olika håll - drar mig sidleds. Att tillåta värmen, är att ha förtroende för att flödet stannar, att det inte rinner ur mig. Att vara varm, utan att vara förlorad.
Johnnys Bird.
Invisible colours.
Peace n love. I see you there?
Jay-Z+Ane Brun+Johnossi+Lily Allen+Alice
in Chains+Billy Talent+John Fogerty+Kent
+Kim Wilde+Mando Diao+Mew+Sick Of It All
+The Ark+The Hives+The Kooks+Vampire
Weekend+Amanda Jenssen+Ane Brun+Kings
of Convenience+Melissa Horn+Miike Snow+
Nicke Borg Homeland+Shout Out Louds+Adam
Heldring+Edith Backlund+Ida Redig
+Nikola Sarcevic
Sometimes I want to see poetry from daily life and hear the song from ordinary noise.
I crossed the street to walk in the sunshine.
Sommaren kommer alltid smygandes. Den slår alltid ut som om det vore första gången, alltid - och vi älskar den på nytt varje gång. Livet är inte så allvarligt som jag en gång trodde. Bara en enda stor möjlighet att få uppleva. Så jag vet inte varför jag skräms så, av allt det som är meningen. Jag känner det tätt intill mig, känslan är så sugande intensiv. Det jag åtrår, det finns så nära. Jag har alltid gett människor utrymme att ta initiativ, att låta dem växa. Och visst expanderar dem. Bortom all kontroll. Någon sa, att jag älskade för intensivt, att jag sträckte mig för långt. Men nya, främmande vindar kommer att komma, och jag kommer att andas med dem. Jag lovar, även du skulle förtrollas - om du bara kunde se, se det som jag ser. Jag, vi, du, är födda som illusionister, vi vilseleder sanningen, vi lurar den så långt bort att den inte hittar hem igen. Men allt blir så mycket lättare - då man intalar sig själv att man aldrig fick chansen - än att erkänna att man hade den, utan att våga.
like a feather on the breath of the morning, will never touch the ground
afternoon glow.
when the wolves leave - children run free through the woods
Mr Cat.
little cat - distorted and edited by me
when a surprise changes one's day for the brighter
"But is it such a bad thing to live like this for just
a little while? Just for a few months of one's life,
is it so awful to...nap in a garden, in a patch of
sunlight, in the middle of the day? And then to
do it again the next day?"
Idag fyller sötot Linda 25!
Grattis grattis grattis! :)
you dont even know from which direction the sun rises anymore.
"When you're lost in those woods, it sometimes takes you
a while to realize that you're lost. For the longest time,
you can convince yourself that you've just wandered off
the path, that you'll find your way back to the trailhead any
moment now. Then night falls again and again, and you still
have no idea where you are, and its time to admit that you
have bewildered yourself so far off the path that you dont
even know from which direction the sun rises anymore. "
— Elizabeth Gilbert
when you sing like an angel, I'll fall at your feet
those who criticize our generation, forget who raised it.
a thought.
There are two types of people: Those who come into a room and say, “Well, here I am!”, and those who say, “Ah, there you are”.
— | Frederick L. Collins |
when the sun sets, the city rises
Photos: Me
Edited by: Me
feeli´n blue.
the killing moon.
Lovely inspiration.
an excuse to stand still and forget
Pics; edited by me
knocking on open doors.
Jag längtar hem. Till den Småländska skogen, det stora huset,
vännerna och den fria luften. Att bara andas i en luft man växt
upp i. Tror jag har saknat tryggheten, den stora dörren, som
alltid stått öppen. Synd att mams och paps inte är hemma, jag
är lite längtig liksom. Jag hoppas att tiden låter mig stanna
- tills jag är redo att andas Stockholmsluften igen. Jag älskar
Stockholm (det har blivit mitt hem - min värld - min luft)
men jag behöver sakna staden, dess puls och andetag...
life gives you signs in mysterious ways
to close your eyes is to remember
Photos; Filkovic
summer lovi'n.
Blom-landskap. Vita, rosa, gula. Högt gräs. Fågelsång.
Solstrålar. Vita små molntussar. Nyckelpigor. Nakenbad.
Glittrande sjö. Gammal träbrygga. Jordgubbar och mjölk.
Brunbrända fötter. Sandaler. Ett rött litet torp.
Vita spetsgardiner. Öppen eld. Skymning. Siluhetter.
Grill-doft. Myggbett. Gitarrspelande. Vänner. Kärlek...
run baby run
Jag, Avli och 19 000 tjejer.
Vårruset 2010, jomenvisst!
I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you.
Pics; edited by me
Whatever colours you have in your mind - I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine
Whatever colours you have in your mind
- I'll show them to you - and you'll see them shine